These are two elementary school youth reporters from the Pinnacle Press. They were focusing intently on putting colors together. In October 2001 when these were taken, the boy was an 8-year-old third-grader, and the girl was a 6-year-old first-grader, and they are brother and sister. Charlotte Woodward took this picture with her digital camera. To color drawing, click to enlarge, then print on "Portrait" setting, found under "Page Setup" or "Print Options."
Charlotte took this picture, too.
Both children are holding disposable cameras. All the youth reporters had disposable cameras with them.
Another of Charlotte's pictures. In the drawing (these are hand traces of photos under tracing paper and not free-hand drawings) I isolated the girl, even though you see people around her in the photograph.
Taken by Charlotte. This time I isolated the boy in the trace. The preschooler in the far left of the photo can be seen on the "Single Glimpses" page, third picture down. This series of photos wasn't taken one right after the other. There were gaps between the snapshots, revealing a sustained focus captured by the camera. These pictures are especially nice because they aren't posed.
Taken by one of the youth reporters, I'm pretty sure it was the boy in the above pictures, because it turned out that I wasn't given any of the pictures taken by the girls, and I was given a number of pictures taken by this particular eight year old boy, Griffin.