Charlotte Woodward took this picture with her digital camera. Isn't this a beautiful picture? This preschooler was three years old at the time this was taken, and you can see in the photo that the larger of his Sierpinski Tetrahedra was sitting on a rock in the pond. He was very insistent at the time that an ant had gotten on the tetrahedron. I see the preschoolers occasionally, and nearly a year later, this little guy still remembered both the tetrahedron and the ant. To color drawing, click to enlarge, then print on "Portrait" setting, found under "Page Setup" or "Print Options."
Picture taken by Charlotte of one of the preschoolers as he was setting his tetrahedron out. He was 4 years, 6 months when this was taken.
Taken by Charlotte, the only picture we got of this preschooler, although the youth reporters took several good pictures of him. We got started later than we had planned and time got away from us, so that children in the last groups didn't get the same attention as those in the earlier groups. This is a sweet picture, with him looking at the tetrahedron. The older and younger children did very well together. Some nice bonds formed over the two days. At the end of the first presentation at the preschool, Charlotte had each preschooler take a youth reporter around the different rooms. The preschoolers seemed very proud to have something to share that the older kids didn't already know.
Taken by Charlotte. This is a picture of one of the youth reporters from the Preschooler Story page.