Charlotte Woodward took this picture of a 5 year old, pre-kindergarten youth reporter with a 4 year, 7 month old preschooler. Although I know the ages to be accurate, I still find this difficult to believe, because the five year old looks like she is at least six. To color drawing, click to enlarge, then print on "Portrait" setting, found under "Page Setup" or "Print Options."
Picture taken by Charlotte of the preschooler without her youth-reporter companion.
Taken by Charlotte, the preschooler has a sweet smile on her face here.
A picture of the youth reporter by herself, taken by Charlotte.
Taken by Charlotte of the youth reporter taking a picture of the Sierpinski tetrahedra that she was sitting with moments earlier. When looking at this, keep in mind this is a 5 year old. She looks very competent with the camera in her hands.